Sunday, February 12, 2012

♥ ♥ ♥ The Big V-Day ♥ ♥ ♥

For most men, this is the most stressful day of the year. Every story is screaming "buy your woman a red present with a heart on it". But WTH are you really supposed to do?

If you are a confident woman, you probably know what you want for Valentine's Day. These wants may include but are not limited to:
  • Dinner (homemade by your man, or at your fave spot)
  • Jewelry (I'm sure anything in a box would make her swoon)
  • Flowers (a single rose in a vase...or a whole freakin rose bush)
  • or wine...
Those are some of the most popular presents that women receive on this HOLY HEART day.

BORING!!!! that poor sap out. Do you really want all those things? Or do you see the other women in your office getting them and think you want them. This day should be enjoyable for you both...make your own traditions and quit complaining that your man doesn't understand you. Maybe you aren't taking the time to understand your man.

  • He is stressed out... - Should I get flowers or chocolate. Or should I not get flowers because they will die and then V-Day would be kind of morbid. Chocolate? Or is she on a diet?
  • He is on a budget... - I would love to get her jewelry...but those diamond earrings and dinner??? How in the world am I supposed to decide?
  • He is feeling like this is a little one sided... -if I go through all this, she is still going to want the opposite of what I got. Hey, is she even going to get me anything? Sheesh!
I say, make your own tradition. Jason and I decided that it shouldn't be a big, stressful, red and pink day. We got matching shirts from Psych. It is our favorite TV show and we are always giggling when we say the quotes in random conversation. It will be something we can enjoy, remember, and use any day of the year. That's why I love him, because we can be "us" together. Everyday!

Dude...I'm not knocking you if you want your girl to see this in the morning...

But Ladies...if this is what he gives you...

Be grateful that he is there to see your heart melt, and hug him as hard as you can! Tell him you love him and mess up those sheets, you crazy kids!

OMG...too funny! If you mouth the words
it looks like you are say I LOVE YOU!

P.S. This was not meant to be a blog about man/woman relationships. If you have a different equation in your relation, I ♥ you too! Happy Valentine's Day to you and your lover (no matter what kind of "parts" they have)!
Pic Shout Outs: Lovely Stairs, Vintage Love, Snow Heart, Olive Juice

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tax Return Wish List

Yup...its GIVE ME SOME MONEY season. Hopefully you do not owe the government anything. This is the season to repay all those hard working employees who sacrifice their time all year long to America!

I let them take my money all year long. I claim single and 1 so that they take a lot during the year. There is much controversy on whether the government should have your money during year, or you keep it in your bank. But for me, it is better that they hold onto it for me. I like that hunk of change at the end of the year.

Its fun making my wish list every year. Many times my list is small due to big things I need to pay off or owe. Usually a hunk of it goes to medical bills (I'm still not used to paying them since my medical was free for so long- thank you Marine Corps).

This year I want:
  • an I-Pad or other tablet device
  • Put money in savings
  • Someone in my house needs a new phone
  • The grown ups could use some fun new clothes and shoes
This year I need to:
  • Pay off some medical bills
  • Catch up on some moving expenses
  • Put a bunch in savings (want and need)
Hopefully we can use some of that money in savings later in 2012 for a really fun adventure!

No matter what you decide to do with your tax money, use some of it for yourself, some for people you love (even if it just taking them out to dinner), and put some away for a rainy day.

Thank you Uncle Sam...I hope! Wish me luck...


Monday, February 6, 2012

Workin on it...

Don't worry...I'll be back in a day or so. I'm sure you all can understand
  • work
  • softball
  • dance
  • b-day parties
  • Super Bowl
  • work
  • laundry
  • 3 short people
  • and my bff and love of my life
Don't worry...I'll be back, just gotta give me a second :-)


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Black History Month...for a white person

If you went to high school with me, you probably know that I was one of very few white people in our graduating class. I went to a magnet school in Kansas City. The magnet program bused the suburban kids into the inner city - yah I rode a short bus my freshman year - lol! Until they lost funding.

That's me on the left...this was after our Senior Pep Rally before Homecoming

My parents drove me, I caught a ride, or when I got older I drove my dads rusty Winnebago van 45 mins each way in rush hour traffic from Raymore to downtown KC. I'm still trying to figure out what my parents were thinking (but I guess gas was cheaper back then). Our school district lost accreditation the year after we graduated.

 I may not have had the best education, but I learned A LOT about life.
More than I could ever explain.

I married a black man when I was in the Marine Corps and had 2 beautiful children. We were stationed in South Carolina when I had Lexi. The state of SC says that your child's race on their birth certificate should be the same as the mother. So on paper, Lexi is white...

We had Xander in Kansas. The state of KS says that your child's race on their birth certificate should be the same as the father. So on paper, Xander is black...

We both agreed that we would not focus on what color they were. As they got older, all they knew is that everyone was different shades of brown. Now that they are both in school, questions have surfaced...especially during Black History Month.

I am proud to say that I have raised my kids to know each person for who they are instead of what color their skin is. We will talk about the sacrifices, the struggles, and the legacy of their ancestors when they are ready to understand. I want them to be proud of who they are, both black and white.

 May you always live free, without judgement...enough said!

Go Blue Eagles!